As we begin a new year, 2011 we wish everyone to know God's love, his mercy, his forgiveness. We wish for you peace in your hearts with the comfort that the Lord is always with you and wishes for you to know that.
Some of you might have made New Year's resolutions to change some bad habits, get more exercise or eat better. When you make your resolutions, please include resolutions to improve your prayer life, feed your soul with healthy readings, and exercise of virtues that we might have forgotten along our daily paths.
Life has brought many challenges in our lives that at times will overwhelm us. Talk to our Lord, pray for his guidance and trust in him. With him all things are possible, without him we can do nothing.
As much as you take time to eat, to sleep, to work and to enjoy, include time to pray, to nourish your heart, your soul, your thoughts to grow spiritually.
Keep a rosary in your car to say as your run errands or drive back and forth to work. Make the sign of the cross and tell Jesus you love him. Smile and thank him for all gifts you received this day. Make the sign of the cross as you lay your head on your pillow at night and talk to him about your day, your hopes, your sorrows and your gratefulness of unexpected happenings. Remember God's loves you as if you were an only child and has all the time in the world for you. The cost is nothing and the rewards are plentiful.
Make a resolution to develop your daily prayer life. It will make a difference in your life and in others as you include them in your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless you and HAPPY NEW YEAR.